Thursday, August 30, 2007

BC Tour Report

Jonathan D. Lewis writes:

Well... or should I say Wells?

The Cave of Markos V 2007 Tour of Interior BC has come to a close. More Greek food consumed in 5 days than most people would eat in an entire year!

Lorenzo's Cafe, Ashton Creek: Lots of dancing women (and a few lucky guys). A great gig to get us warmed up.

Theos, Penticton: A 300-seat, yet still intimate, restaurant with a most gracious host, Nikos Theodosakis and family. Fantastic food, great company, and free-flowing Metaxa.

On the following morning, struggling through the haze of the previous evening's Metaxa, we were back at the restaurant. In the beautiful atrium, Nikos, also a director/filmmaker, shot a video for us. Watch for it in the upcoming months. I, for one, can hardly wait to see it! Another beautiful lunchtime meal, and then we were back on the road again.

Minos Restaurant, Kamloops: Realizing that in the very tight quarters of this cozy restaurant amplification wasn't going to work, we went acoustic. As we roamed through the restaurant, George, the owner, followed us, dancing, singing along, and ensuring a raucously fun time for all. Again, we were more than amply fed.

Sunset Theatre, Wells: Last, and certainly not least, we performed in this beautiful, historic theatre which is being lovingly restored by Karen and Dave Jeffery. Gorgeous acoustics, requiring only just a slight touch of amplification made this a very magical night. Eventually, we left the stage, speakers, and mics, and joined our audience. There was some great dancing... and I will confess to having danced my first zembekiko.

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